Stellar blades have been one of the most effective fishing lures for decades, but their unique style and technique can be unfamiliar to many anglers. This guide is designed to help both novice and experienced fishers master the art of stellar blade fishing.
Stellar blades are small, thin metal strips that resemble fluttering baitfish when slowly retrieved through the water. Their erratic, wandering action triggers aggressive strikes from gamefish like walleye, bass, and pike. When fished correctly with the proper setups and techniques, stellar blades can account for the limits of fish nearly every trip.
Within these pages, you will find everything needed to make stellar blades a central part of your tackle box. We will cover blade styles, rod and reel choices, rigging options, habitat selection, retrieve techniques, targeted species specifics, and tips from guides and pros for consistent stellar blade success.
How to unlock fishing in Stellar Blade?

In Stellar Blade, fishing is introduced after reaching the Great Desert area in the story. It’s here that you can access the central Oasis to meet Clyde. He gifts Eve her first fishing rod and offers instruction on the fundamentals. Clyde explains baiting hooks, casting into water, and reeling in fish when feeling a tug on the line.
With the basics in hand, Eve can now try her luck angling at the Oasis pond. However, the late game unlocking of fishing means building a fish collection doesn’t need to be a priority at first. Players have time to advance other aspects of Stellar Blade before focusing on the relaxing distraction of reeling in aquatic creatures.
Read More about: Travis Scott Fish
How to fish in Stellar Blade?
In Stellar Blade, acquiring your first fishing rod from Clyde in the Great Desert allows you to engage in the relaxing pastime of angling wherever water is found. While Clyde states visible fish are needed, many spots can be fished whether fish are seen or not. Our detailed fishing locations section pinpoints where to find all watering holes to complete your collection. Casting your line is simple – hold down on the d-pad and select your equipped rod, then tap down again to pick bait.
Pull down and release the left thumbstick to launch your bait into the water and wait patiently for a nibble. When prompted, press R2 and mash square frantically in the opposite direction the fish swims. Adjust the joystick to turn the fish if it changes course. As the struggle wheel appears, squeeze R2 lightly to ease the marker inside the blue zone until the next square prompt, repeating until a triangle prompt signals victory to reel in your catch. For an easier alternative, turn on the “Fishing Controls Replacement” option in accessibility settings.
All Stellar Blade fish locations

Completing your fish collection in Stellar Blade will involve visiting multiple fishing spots across the various regions. The first and most abundant is the large pond in the Oasis where you learn to fish from Clyde. As you progress through the story, many other bodies of water open up for angling. In the forests, try creaked edges and tiny woodland pools. Rockport Harbor and the Coastal Cliffs are well-stocked with sea life.
Glide across the sweeping valleys and check riverbanks and reservoir margins for active holes. Late-game, the Frigid Frontier’s icy tarns and tundra tidepools provide arctic angling. And deep in the Great Desert lies the legendary Jewel Lake, home to elusive record-breakers. With persistence and a keen eye, dedicated fishers can find plentiful angling in even the smallest puddles of Stellar Blade.
All Fishing Spots In Stellar Blade
While several bodies of water appear in Stellar Blade, not all prove productive for fishing. A few key spots consistently provide catches as players work to build their collection. Near Xion, a small puddle along the Wasteland path harbors varieties perfect for beginners. Further, a cave pond beneath Solar Tower presents a challenge, as enemies swarm the approach; anglers can sprint past dangers to safely drop lines. In the southern Wasteland, the tranquil Plant yields bite without threat.
Exceptional catches also frequent the Clock Tower pond on Eidos 7, making it a prime repeat visit for completionists. However, the premier fishing hole lies within the Great Desert Oasis. Here, Clyde introduces fishing and the idyllic waters reliably contain massive specimens. With its central location and abundant stock, the Oasis proves ideal for filling early categories and serves as a fisher’s reliable return throughout the adventure.
Where To Find All The Fish In Stellar Blade?

With over 30 different fish varieties to discover across diverse biomes, finding and catching every specimen requires diligent exploration of Stellar Blade’s varied waters. Several early game hotspots like the Wasteland Puddle and Cave Pond vault anglers past the initial learning curve. However, the true breadth of piscatorial diversity emerges later.
Careful treks along forest streams and up frosty river runoffs reveal Arctic species, while diligent circuiting of the Coast uncovers every saltwater surprise. Yet no single locale matches the Great Desert Oasis for unrivaled variety and abundance. Here, beginners through experts alike fill lingering slots with barely a cast between.
Beyond initial completion, skillful fishers branch out to test remote tarns and seldom-seen pools. Secret jewels like Jewel Lake and its legendary lunkers always beckon the truly avid to embark on the next fishing frontier. With persistence and an openness to discovery, any angler can achieve a “Caught Them All” prize.
Fishing Techniques
Anglers have several approach options when fishing in Stellar Blade:
Casting and retrieval: The classic method involves carefully aiming a cast with the rod and waiting until a bite, setting the hook by pressing R2. Reeling in requires precise counter-motions to tire the fish.
Jigging: With the line already in the water, rapidly bobbing up and down on the thumbstick simulates an injured bait to incite predatory strikes.
Vertical jigging: Similar to regular jigging but with more exaggerated up-and-down motions to attract fish near structures like dropoffs or weeds.
Dragging/finessing: Sometimes a slow, gentle retrieve just beneath the surface or along structure edges can coax picky fish to finally commit.
Experimenting with these techniques at different spots and for various target species helps anglers maximize their catch. Adaptability and finesse often make the difference between an average day of fishing and limit-busting success.
Tips for Success
- Pay attention to where schooling bait is congregating and match your lure’s action.
- Choose weighted or shallow-diving lures for windy days, try slow subtle retrieves after rain.
- A responsive rod helps feel subtle strikes; and match retrieve to how your lure is moving.
- Practice your knots so you don’t lose fish or worse, your whole rig, due to a weak knot.
- Fronts or temperature drops can trigger aggressive feeding windows.
- Dawn, dusk and low-light periods often produce more bites.
- Shoals, rocks and weeds concentrate fish for easy casting.
- A slow crawl or faster burn can tip the scales on a follow vs full strike.
- It may take multiple casts to entice the target fish of the day.
What is the main fishing tool used in Stellar Blade?
A fishing rod is required to fish in Stellar Blade.
Where is the first fishing taught in the game?
Clyde at the Oasis in the Great Desert teaches the player fishing.
Which area has the widest variety of fish types?
The Great Desert Oasis contains the most diverse fish population.
We hope this fishing guide has provided helpful insights and strategies for both starting and deepening your angling skills in Stellar Blade. With persistence and experimentation applying the techniques discussed, any player should achieve success completing their aquatic dex. While the Oasis serves well for initial development, do explore beyond to sites hidden in forests, along coasts, and within mountains’ streams and tarns. Unique fishing opportunities and bigger personalized bests may yet await.
Also, remember to relax and appreciate the serenity fishing offers as a break from questing. Should further specifics elude you still, fellow fishers can often be found sharing tips at the Oasis—so don’t be shy about strikes, snags, or personal records. May your cast always find willing biters and your line never break. Now go and enjoy and all that Stellar Blade’s bountiful waters have to offer angling admirers!
With three years of dedicated expertise in the niche of fish, my domain knowledge encompasses breeding, habitat maintenance, health management, and sustainable aquaculture practices, ensuring optimal outcomes in the aquatic realm.