Can You Put a Male and Female Betta Together?

Male and Female Betta

While male and female bettas can be housed together temporarily for breeding purposes, it is generally not recommended to keep them together outside of breeding. Male bettas are extremely territorial and aggressive towards other bettas, especially other males that enter their territory. Even females may clash on occasion. If housed together outside of breeding, the … Read more

How To Know If Molly Fish Is Pregnant?

Molly Fish

A female Molly fish will exhibit several key signs when she is carrying embryos and close to giving birth. Her anal fin and belly area will appear swollen as her abdomen expands to accommodate the developing fry. She may also act more shy and secretive than usual, hiding away in plants or caves. Her coloration … Read more

Jaw-Dropping Fish with Surprisingly Human Teeth!

Jaw-Dropping Fish

There is a species of fish known as the sheepshead fish that has gained attention for its remarkably human-like teeth. These striped black and white fish found in coastal waters have a very unique set of teeth that amazingly resemble human teeth – complete with distinct molars, incisors, and grinding tooth structures. Their teeth are … Read more

How Do Fish Breathe? The Science Behind Gills

Fish Breathe

Fish breathe through their gills, which are feathery structures located on either side of their head behind the operculum, or gill covers. Water flows over the gills due to the motion of the fish’s mouth and operculum, and the tiny filaments in the gills extract oxygen from the water and excrete carbon dioxide. Hemoglobin proteins … Read more

Blobfish Facts

Blobfish Facts

Blobfish Profile The blobfish is a deep sea fish native to the coastal waters of Tasmania and southeastern Australia. Due to its gelatinous consistency and lack of muscle, the blobfish appears blob-like in shape, hence its name. When brought to the surface from its usual depth of 1,000-4,000 feet below sea level due to commercial … Read more

Northern Snakehead

Northern Snakehead

The northern snakehead (Channa argus) is a species of freshwater fish native to parts of Asia and Africa. It is an invasive species in several areas, including parts of the United States, where it has caused significant ecological concerns. The northern snakehead is a predatory fish known for its ability to breathe air, allowing it … Read more

17 Types of Axolotl: A Quick Guide

Types of Axolot

What is an axolotl? Axolotls are aquatic amphibians known scientifically as Amby stoma Mexicana. They are commonly referred to as Mexican walking fish due to their stocky bodies and absence of legs.  Native to Lake Xochimilcan near Mexico City, axolotls have adapted to life in water and spend their entire lives there without undergoing metamorphosis … Read more

Angelfish Tank Size: Ideal Tank Size Chart

Angelfish Tank Size

What Are Angelfish? Angelfish are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish. They come from the Amazon River basin in South America and are known for their beautiful tails, fins, and body shape. Angelfish can display a variety of colors and patterns depending on the species or morph. Some common color varieties include gray, … Read more